Year 2 - Edison and Jemison
Welcome to our Year Two class page
Thomas Edison and Mae Jemison
Mae Jemison - Class Teacher | Mrs Dodrill |
Thomas Edison - Class Teacher | Mr Talbert |
Mae Jemison - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Quinn |
Thomas Edison - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Goldup |
Mae Jemison - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Miah |
Term Three - Location, Location
In this topic we will be learning about: Different locations: from the grounds of the school to areas around the U.K and around the world. In English, we will be looking at the contrasting homes of the 'Town Mouse and the Country Mouse'.
Some of our WOW moments: Planning and creating a map from Shatterlock’s School to Dover town centre to look at the different human and physical features, as part of our Geography topic.
Receiving a parcel from U.S.A - New York – The children will be receiving a parcel from a mysterious location. They will unpack its contents and will need to work out what country the parcel has been delivered from. Inside the parcel will be – A picture of George Washington Bridge (a human landmark), a model of the Statue of Liberty, a U.S.A flag and food from New York. The parcel will also include postcards of different images of human and physical Geography located in New York.
Environmental land art. Using a silhouette of a child the children will collect only natural objects to create a piece of environmental land art.
Week beginning 27th January- Multicultural arts week on U.S.A - New York. Activities to include – Fact file on New York. Geography of the 5 boroughs. Baking a pretzel or bagel. Sketching the George Washington Bridge. Sampling food from New York.
Term Two - Great Explorers
In our second topic of the year we will be learning all about 'Great Explorers'. We will be discovering the journeys and challenges faced by these explorers as they attempted to be the first person to step foot on the North Pole and the Moon.
In English, we will be writing instructions on how to become an astronaut. From reading the story 'Man on the Moon' we will write a narrative in the third person. Finally, through watching teachers on an expidition to Antarctica, we will be writing diary entries as though we have been there.
Some of our WOW moments will be:
Opening WOW moment (Hook) into this term's topic: Digging up a 1969 Space Capsule from the field – containing a big America flag, a space helmet, NASA badge and moon rocks.
Design and Technology WOW moment: To design, build and launch a space rocket.
Art and Music WOW moment: Performance of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ and a gallery of the children’s art showing the surface of the moon and Antarctica.
Forest School Update
Year Two's Forest School has now finished for this term. With both Edison and Jemison classes sessions culminating in a campfire, it's now time for Year One and Reception to have their turn.
As Forest School has finished for Year Two, Year Two children need to wear FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM on TUESDAYS.
Forest School will return in the New Year in Term 3.
Instead of the children only having an hour each Tuesday the children now have one full day with a trained Forest School Coach.
Building Bug Hotels in Forest School
The Year 2 children had an amazing first lesson in Forest School today with Coach Amir. They set to work building Bug Hotels using all of the fallen twigs, leaves and everything they could find on the ground. The children also spotted spiders, snails and slugs that had started to arrive at their newly built hotels.
The children had such a great time and cannot wait for next weeks lesson.
PLEASE REMEMBER - Year Two children will need to continue to bring sensible forest school clothing - Particulary warm jumpers, trousers and coats as we move into the colder months.
Term One - The Great Outdoors
In our first topic we will be learning about 'The Great Outdoors'. We will be looking at the habitats of different plants and animals including those in the world’s oceans.
In our English lessons we will be exploring some key texts linked to this and allowing children to write their own recounts, non-chronological reports and narratives.
Some of our WOW moments will be a Science Day/Trip: A Seashore Safari to Reculver beach with Anna Outdoors.
We will also create a piece of environmental land art. Using a silhouette of a child, the children will collect only natural objects to create a piece of environmental land art.
Term 1 - Week 1 - Login details, contact with teachers, P.E Day, what to bring and what not to bring... We're back... As an inventor and an astronaut!
We will hopefully have our very own class email address set up and running really soon and would love to hear from you with messages or pictures of what you have been doing whilst at home!
In the meantime, we are also here for any questions or queries you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us via email or by phoning the school office. Please rest assure that all messages will reach us.
Please email, instead of passing on messages after school. Thank you.
Mr Talbert & Mrs Dodrill
Forest School - Starting Tuesday 10th September...
We are very pleased to inform you that this year we will be offering ‘Forest School’ sessions at Shatterlocks. Our Forest School will be taking place on Tuesday for Shatterlocks starting from next week (week beginning the 9th September).
As Forest School is an all year round and all-weather activity, it is vitally important that the correct clothing is worn by the children. Parents will need to provide their children with a waterproof jacket, tracksuit bottoms, a t-shirt and a jumper/hoody that they DO NOT MIND getting muddy as well as old trainers or wellington boots. Please let us know if this is a problem and we will try our best to help you.
Children in Year 2 WILL NEED TO COME TO SCHOOL WEARING their Forest School clothes as their sessions will be in the morning. Please can those children have their uniform in a separate bag to get changed into.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Star of the Week - Class Mascots
Coming Soon...
If your child is lucky enough to be awarded this weeks 'Star of the Week' award they will be able to take home their classes' mascot...
Please take them on an adventure and record your adventure through, pictures, writing and anything imaginable on the sheets of paper given to your child...
As our whole school celebration assembly now takes place on Friday you will have the weekend to spend with each mascot.
Please look after our mascots and return them the following Monday, so they are ready to go on an adventure with one of your classmates...
Times Table Rockstars - How to join, start 'jamming' and become the ultimate times table Rock Legend...
In the coming weeks your child will be coming home with a sticker stuck in the inside the front cover of their reading record.
This sticker will contain a unique username and password for your child to log into a website called 'Times Table Rockstars'.
Your child's username will consist of (in most cases) the first three letters of their first name and the first three letters of their surname.
For example:
David Smith would be...
The username is always entered using lowercase letters.
Your child's password will be a combination of four different animals
For example:
A zebra, an elephant, a dog and a lion.
To enter the password you just click on the correct animal pictures in the right order.
To login for the first time follow these simple steps:
Open your internet browser (this should work on most tablets, PC's and laptops).
Type in this web address:
Here you will see a page asking you to type in a school name or post code...
Please type in:
Barton Junior School or CT16 2ND and click on it when it appears
You will then be able to type in your child's username.
Then CLICK ON PIN - this will take you to the page where you can click the correct combination of animals.
And that's it you're logged in, maybe for the first time...
Now you need to select your Rock Star name before you start learning your times tables, earning coins and gaining a Rockstar status.
Why have we chosen to start this in Year Two?
This software has proved so successful in providing an educational but thoroughly engaging way for the children to learn their times tables. We really value your support and assistance with helping your child log in and the learning of their times tables.
Thank You
Mr Talbert (Aka Miami Velvet) and Mrs Dodrill (Aka )
We are back on SEESAW under our new class names.
We are very excited to be able to share your child's learning and experiences with you.
We are hopefully going to be sending out invites via QR codes to you very soon, please look out for these.
Our P.E day:
P.E day for year two children is scheduled for Monday.
Please remove your child's earrings on these days - The adults in the school are not allowed to remove any children's earrings. However, if your child can remove them we will provide an envelope to keep them safe.
Children will need to come to school WEARING their school uniform where they will then change into their PE kit at school.
We will update you throughout the year with any changes to P.E days.