Year 1 - Nightingale and Lovelace
Welcome to our Year One Class Page
Florence Nightingale and Ada Lovelace
Florence Nightingale - Class Teacher | Miss Ditchburn |
Ada Lovelace - Class Teacher | Miss Brent |
Florence Nightingale - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Booth |
Ada Lovelace - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Edwards |
Term Three - Globetrotters
In English we are writing a non - chronological report about England. We are looking at the story called ‘Lost and Found’ and re-writing a narrative. We will also be exploring postcards and writing a postcard about our holiday destination.
In Maths we are looking at place value to 20 and solving addition and subtraction problems to 20.
In Geography we will be learning about the four countries that make up the UK and their capital cities, hot and cold places in the world, the seven continents, and the five oceans.
In Science we are learning about seasonal changes and how to identify these changes. We will be looking at how the weather changes across the seasons.
In Computing we are programming simple robots.
In Art we are creating collages depicting different hot and cold places.
In DT we are designing and making an igloo to keep an animal warm.
In Music we are learning a football chant and composing our own chants.
In RE we are looking at special books from different religions.
IN PSHRE we are learning how to keep safe and healthy. We will be discussing how to manage our big feelings in different situations.
In PE we are learning to safely carry out gymnastic routines.
Term Two - TerriTfic Toys
In this topic we will be learning about:
In English we are learning a toy poem and performing our poem to each other. We will be learning about the features of a diary and writing our own diary entries about our class mascot. We will be writing a narrative about an animal we have designed, and a narrative on the curious case of the missing mammoth.
In Maths we are looking at addition and subtraction to 10. We will then be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
In History we will be learning about changes within living memory through old and new toys.
In Science we are learning about animals including humans, looking at the structure and labelling different animal groups.
In Computing we are doing digital painting. We will be using shapes and lines to recreate a picture from an artist. In Art we are printing and overlapping shapes.
In DT we are exploring different mechanisms to create a pop-up story book.
In Music we are learning the song Colonel Hatchi’s March and using musical instruments to create a musical ‘sea theme’ piece.
In RE we are exploring the question of why Christians give gifts at Christmas. We will be looking at Diwali too.
In PSHRE we are learning about different roles and responsibilities that we play in school and in our community.
In PE we are learning different dance sequences.
Some of our WOW moments will be: Dover Museum trip - Monday 11th November
Odd Socks Day – 12th November
No pens day – 27th November
Dress rehearsal – 11th December
Year One Nativity performance - 12th December @ 9.30am
Christmas jumper day and dinner - 17th December
Term One - Hero Hunters
In English we are designing our own superheroes and using these to write descriptive sentences. We are writing a set of instructions on how to make a superhero out of clay. We are writing a recount of our trip to Connaught Park and our first term at school.
In Maths we are looking at place value within 10. We will be learning to count and sort objects, looking at 1 more and 1 less of a given number and comparing numbers.
In Science we are learning about the human body. We will be naming parts of the body and linking these to our senses.
In Geography we will be exploring maps and looking at maps of our local area.
In RE we will be learning about our Wonderful World. We will be discussing what makes our world special and exploring different creation stories.
In Art, we will be creating our self – portraits.
In Computing, we are looking at technology all around us. This will include technology in our classroom, looking at computers and identifying features.
In PSHRE, we will be learning about the importance of being kind, showing good listening to others and identifying good and not so good choices.
In Music, we will be listening and appraising songs from SingUp! We will be learning lyrics to our termly song.
Forest School - Starting Tuesday 10th September...
We are very pleased to inform you that this year we will be offering ‘Forest School’ sessions at Shatterlocks. Our Forest School will be taking place on Tuesday for Shatterlocks starting from next week (week beginning the 9th September).
As Forest School is an all year round and all-weather activity, it is vitally important that the correct clothing is worn by the children. Parents will need to provide their children with a waterproof jacket, tracksuit bottoms, a t-shirt and a jumper/hoody that they DO NOT MIND getting muddy as well as old trainers or wellington boots. Please let us know if this is a problem and we will try our best to help you.
Children in Year 1 will have the afternoon session so will need to have their Forest School clothes in a bag to get changed into at school.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Our topics for this year 2024/25 are:
P.E day for year one children is scheduled for Thursday
Please remove your child's earrings on these days - The adults in the school are not allowed to remove any children's earrings. However, if your child can remove them we will provide an envelope to keep them safe.
Children will need to come to school WEARING their school uniform where they will then change into their PE kit at school.
We will update you throughout the year with any changes to P.E days.
We are very excited to be able to share your child's learning and experiences with you.
Please look out for your invite to join - this has been sent to your email address.